The Department of Communication and Media Studies (formally Department of Mass Communication) is an integral part of Liberia College and was established in 1983 through a bilateral agreement between the Liberian Government and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to train journalists and other media practitioners.
The department is chaired by Euriahs M. Togar, he holds BA and MSc in Communication and Information Science. The department emphasizes excellent journalism, demonstrated in professionalism and respect for the code of ethics for journalists. The inaugural academic activities were commenced in 1984. Since its establishment about 30 years ago, it has trained over 300 professional Liberian journalists with the needed journalistic skills and techniques. Most of them are making tremendous contributions in the society in various sectors. The Department is widely respected and it is the only degree granting institution in journalism in the country.
At the department, students are held in high standard by the faculty. The department has 12 faculty members, four of whom are full-time faculty representing 30% and 8 (70%) adjunct faculty. The combined degree holders include 4 (34%) bachelors degree and 7 (58%) are master’s degree holders while one faculty earned a PhD degree representing 8% of the total instructional staffs. The department offers a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Mass Communication and now students can select from either of two paths (Broadcast Journalism and Print Journalism) in the departments journalism program. Students can also select a minor/elective in other disciplines offered by the University. Courses in our program are designed to guide our students in the standard practice of communication, especially journalism.
Mass Communication Department
University of Liberia
Fendall, Loiusiana
MassComm Building
+231 777463864/+231 770 482 646
Email: masscommdept@ul.edu.lr