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A. Romeo Horton College of Business and Public Administration (BBA/BPA)

Home / A. Romeo Horton College of Business and Public Administration (BBA/BPA)

College Overview

The A. Romeo Horton College of Business and Public Administration, formerly the College of Business and Public Administration was established in 1970 and became the fifth constituency college of five undergraduate degree-granting colleges of the University of Liberia. Since its establishment, the college awards degrees in the following disciplines: Accounting, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Economics, Bachelor of Science (BSc), Management, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), and Public Administration, Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA). Consistent with its overall objective of granting degrees in the above disciplines, the primary objective of the College is the provision of training to meet the manpower needs of the Liberian society for the fostering of national development. Since its founding, the college has aligned its objectives with the two-fold mission of the University: training and research up to the present.

About the Dean

Assoc. Prof. Hnady J. Kolenky, an academic, administrator, and nationalist is a 1980 graduate from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, USA, and holds a Masters of Public Administration (MPA) with about forty (40) years of experience serving as an administrator and educator, Prof. Kolenky currently serves as Dean of the A. Romeo Horton College of Business and Public Administration. Amongst several positions held in the public sector, she has served the Liberia Institute of Public Administration (LIPA), where she rose from the position of Development Specialist in 1980 to Director of Training Programs in 1989, at which time she left to join a UNDP Capacity Building Project at the former Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs (MoPEA). She served the Adventist Development & Relief Agency as a Women in Development Coordinator from 1992 to 1996. As an academician, Assoc. Professor Kolenky has provided numerous consultancies including organizing and conducting workshops and seminars to enhance institutional capacity in both public and private institutions.

College Administrative Staff

1. Dr. Edwin Gbargaye Associate Dean
2. Mr. Lamie A. Sallay College Coordinator +231 (886) 768563/0776-768563 sallayla@ul.edu.lr
4. – Administrative Assistant ­- –
3. Mr. Augustus K. Sumo Record Officer/Dean’s Office 0886-416-111 sumoak@ul.edu.lr
4. Mr. Othello G. Yeayen Messenger 0770-677421  yeayenog@ul.edu.lr

College’s Record Office

5. Mr. Sam S. Cooper Supervisor 0886-129-740/0776-245-193  cooperss@ul.edu.lr
6. Mrs. Janet K. Farngalo Record Officer 0886-578-657  farngalojk@ul.edu.lr
7. Mr. Clarence B. Dennis Record Officer 0886-945051//0777-575921 denniscb@ul.edu.lr
8. Richmond Y. Colman Record Officer 0886-595-494 colemanry@ul.edu.lr
9. Mr. Arthur S. Nebo Record Officer 0776-212-175 neboas@ul.edu.lr

Department of Accounting

The Department of Accounting, is chaired by Instructor Bernard Bropleh, Mr. Bropleh is a faculty member in the A. Romeo Horton College of Business and Public Administration where  he has been lecturing for several years. Mr. Bropleh is a 1980 graduate of the University of Liberia with a Bachelor degree in Accounting, He also earns a Master’s degree in Finance in 1994, lived and worked in the United States for 19 years. In Liberia, Mr. Bropleh worked as an auditor. In 2012, he joined the University of Liberia, working as a part – timer in Accounting Department. He later became a full – time Faculty in January 2016 in the department. He rose from an Instructor to Course Coordinator between 2017 and 2018 in the Accounting Department. Based on his exposure to the department over the years, Mr. Bropleh has identified a lot of shortfalls that he thinks need to be addressed gradually. He comes to the new position with a vision to localize Accounting concepts by developing textbooks for the department so that they become a lot more explicit to students and reflect the Liberian business culture as compared to what they are reading now. Using textbooks with references that are a little more abstract to students, Mr. Bropleh considers the learning process a little more challenging and therefore wants to see that during his time as Accounting Department Chair, textbooks can be developed with localized concepts for students to have better understanding of the course. His desire for such initiative within the department is driven by the fact that students are being taught from Accounting books that basically reference transactions concepts applied by foreign businesses and companies like U.S. – based McDonald’s and Walmart, instead of Liberian – based companies and businesses like CEMENCO, City Builders, Exclusive Supermarket and Jeety to reflect transactions that have a nature of Liberian culture. Chairman Bropleh emphasizes the need for an outreach to the communities, particularly the business world, the banking sector, the government and exposure for the students in terms of internships, interview techniques that they lack and expending more towards the automated process in Accounting as compared to the traditional way of Accounting. Cognizant that the modern way of Accounting is done through automation, Mr. Bropleh wants to see Accounting students adequately prepared for today’s realities.

Full-time faculty of the Department of Accounting

1 Charles Wilson Asst. Professor 0776093370 wilsonch@ul.edu.lr
2 Foday Kamara Asst. Professor 0776929012 kamarafs@ul.edu.lr
3 Bernard Bropleh Chairman broplehbn@ul.edu.lr
4 Prof. Hnady Kolenky Assoc. Professor +231 (770)15585/0886519681 kolentyhj@ul.edu.lr
4 H. Edillius Barbue Instructor 0886574099 barbuehe@ul.edu.lr
5 Edward Cuffy Instructor 0770199132 cuffyel@ul.edu.lr
6 Jesse Korboi Instructor 0886513618 korboijb@ul.edu.lr
7 Othello D. Blamoh Instructor 0776313343 blamohod@ul.edu.lr
8 Sam S. Sherman Instructor 0886550325 shermanss@ul.edu.lr
9 Alex Cuffy Instructor 0886839586 cuffyal@ul.edu.lr
10 Joseph Blamah Instructor 0777522274 blamahjs@ul.edu.lr
11 Moore M. Cooper Instructor 0886449325 coopermm@ul.edu.lr
12 F. Edward Davies Chairman 0777011210 daviesfe@ul.edu.lr
13 Anthony V. Mallay Teaching Assistant 0888488977 mallayav@ul.edu.lr
14 Jimmy P. Fallah Teaching Assistant 0777440738 fallahjp@ul.edu.lr

Department of Economics

The Department of Economics, currently chaired by Asst. Prof. Reginald W. Fannoh is one of the oldest disciplines introduced as far back as the days of Liberia College. However, it did not become a full department until the early 1970s. The Department of Economics offers a four (4) year Bachelor of Science degree (B.Sc.) in Economics. Like others, the entire program requires eight (8) semesters with each semester containing sixteen (6) weeks. Minimum credits required for graduation sums up to 136/137 Cr/hrs. The below are faculty members in the Department of Economics:

Faculty of the Department of Economics

1 Reginald W. Fannoh Asst. Prof./Chairman 0886528494 fannohrw@ul.edu.lr
2 Albertha B Yengbe Instructor II 0886516367 yengbeab@ul.edu.lr
3 A. Richard Dorley Asst. Prof. 0886516418 dorleyar@ul.edu.lr
4 Alvin S. Jueseah(Study Leave) Instructor II 0888132677 jueseahas@ul.edu.lr
5 Babah S. Conteh Instructor II 0886726210 contehbs@ul.edu.lr
6 Boima S. Kamara(Leave of Absent) Instructor I 0886516006 kamarabs@ul.edu.lr
7 Charles Saygbe Instructor I 0886558626 saygbacd@ul.edu.lr
8 Christopher Wallace Instructor II 0886551633 wallacecs@ul.edu.lr
9 Cyril Zaway Instructor II 0770271986 zawayck@ul.edu.lr
10 Daniel Musah Instructor II 0777035348 musahda@ul.edu.lr
11 Darkie F. Mulbah Instructor II 0777186220 mulbahdf@ul.edu.lr
12 Emily G. Frank Instructor II 0886535855 frankeg@ul.edu.lr
13 Ebenizer Z.  Gibson Instructor II 0886558879 gibsonez@ul.edu.lr
14 Edwin K. Tetteh Asst. Prof 0886522694 tettehek@ul.edu.lr
15 Gabriel W. Bellepea Instructor II 0886527402 bellepeagw@ul.edu.lr
16 Edna G. Johnny(Study Leave) Instructor II 0886982629 Johnnyeg@ul.edu.lr
17 George B. Gould Instructor II 0886513017 gouldgb@ul.edu.lr
18 Harry N. Gassama Instructor II 0886582762 gassamagb@ul.edu.lr
19 J. Willlington Barchue Instructor II 0886564288 barchuejw@ul.edu.lr
20 Jerry P. Barclay Instructor II 0886463283 barclayjp@ul.edu.lr
21 Jackson P. F. Bonkie Instructor II 0880829239 bonkiejp@ul.edu.lr
22 Joseph R. S. Suloe Instructor II 0776282460 suloejr@ul.edu.lr
23 Justin Korvanyan Instructor II 0886585498 korvanyanju@ul.edu.lr
24 Jackson S. W. Wolobah Instructor II 0777201356 wolobahjs@ul.edu.lr
25 Kelvin N. Doesieh Instructor II 0886577182 doesiehkn@ul.edu.lr
26 Kalilu K.  Trawally Instructor II 0886998881 trawallykk@ul.edu.lr
27 Korvah A. Tarnue Instructor II 0886418765 taenueka@ul.edu.lr
28 Luopu Garmi Instructor II 0880393791 garmilublakielg@ul.edu.lr
29 Mohammeh A.M. Sambolah Instructor II 0777073086 smabolahma@ul.edu.lr
30 Moses Gaygay Instructor II 0886518625 gayagyms@ul.edu.lr
31 P. Mah Kruah Instructor II 0886522617 kruahpm@ul.edu.lr
32 Rajie Adnan Instructor II 0886511284 adnanrr@ul.edu.lr
33 Thomas, Nimely Toby Instructor II 0886746883 tobytn@ul.edu.lr
34 Tom N. Chie Instructor I 0886569200 chietn@ul.edu.lr
 35 Thomas Duoko(Sick Leave) Instructor II 0777912903 chietn@ul.edu.lr
36 Samuel K. Ekyinabah Instructor II 0886421416 ekyinabahsk@ul.edu.lr
37 Samuel F. Mulbah Instructor II 0886421416 mulbahsf@ul.edu.lr
38 Solomon B. Paye Instructor II 0886559737 payesb@ul.edu.lr
39 Supo Bono Teaching Asst. 0886525124 bonosy@ul.edu.lr
Administrative Secretary
1 Christiana G. Kpao Adm. Secretary 0770452760 kpaocg@ul.edu.lr

Department of Management

The Department of Management is currently chaired by Cllr. Edward K. Goba. The department offers a Bachelor of Business Administration degree (BBA) in Management for a period of four (4) years, which is rolled out within eight (8) semesters. Candidates for graduation must complete a minimum of accumulated credit hours of 136/137. The department’s staff and faculty members are all full-time employees as indicated below except three (3) of its current faculty who are part-timers:
1. Cllr. Edward K.Goba Asst. Prof/Chairman 0886510126//0777510126 gobaek@ul.edu.lr
2. Abu B. Kamara Asst. Prof 0886468924 Kamaraab1@ul.edu.lr
3. Cllr. Molley N. Gray Asst. Prof 0886553430 graymn@ul.edu.lr
4. Boka Wreh Instructor 0886558661 wrehbn@ul.edu.lr
5. Clifford J. Young Instructor 0886514598 youngcj@ul.edu.lr
6. Abiodun Gbalah Instructor 0886511460 gbalahab@ul.edu.lr
7. Richard H. Walker II Instructor 0886511433 walkerrh@ul.edu.lr
8. R. Kofa Kloh Instructor 0886517660 klohrk@ul.edu.lr
9. Theoway S. Nyema Instructor 0886529446 nyemats@ul.edu.lr
10. Samuel R. Monger Instructor 0886848678//0777274466 mongersr@ul.edu.lr
11. John B.Gbozee Instructor 0777535224 gbozeejb@ul.edu.lr
12. Cllr. James E. Jones Instructor 0886553560 jonesje@ul.edu.lr
13. David B. Kwiyarhe Instructor 0886562889//0777422840 slewioncs@ul.edu.lr
14. Christopher Slewion Instructor 0886513800//077571213 slewioncs@ul.edu.lr
15. Cllr. Clarance Faikai Instructor 0886821578//0777138813 faikaics@ul.edu.lr
16. Theodore Greene Instructor 0886515540//0777251992 greeneth@ul.edu.lr
17.  Aaron B. Kparkillen Insturctor 0886521526//0777521526 kparkillenab@ul.edu.lr
18. Felix H. Antoine Instructor 0886564676 antoinefh@ul.edu.lr
19. John M. Gbalah Instructor 0886513837 gbalahjm@ul.edu.lr
20. Emmanuel Vesselee Instructor 0886400868 vesseleeeo@ul.edu.lr
21. James N. Samokah Instructor 0886514150 samokahjn@ul.edu.lr
22. Gayflor Y. Mulbah Instructor 0886528457//0775521652 mulbahgy@ul.edu.lr
23. Angie Howe kamara Instructor 0886558983//0777558983 kamaraah@ul.edu.lr
24. Tsorpolor S. Ben Instructor 0888026805//0775586572 bents@ul.edu.lr
25. Johnson Flomo Instructor 0886331353//0777002171 flomojo@ul.edu.lr
26. Robert A. Norris Teaching Ast 0777005574 norrisra@ul.edu.lr
27. Joseph  Constance Teaching Ast 0886521149 constancejh@ul.edu.lr
28. Kalvin W. Johnson Teaching Ast 0886526493//0777526493 johnsonkw@ul.edu.lr
29. George D. Varkpeh Teaching Ast 0777063135 varkpehgd@ul.edu.lr
30. Leon V. Buttel Teaching Ast 0886523417//0770523417 buttellv@ul.edu.lr
31. Jallah M. Kingsley Teaching Ast 0886552869//0777552869 kingsleyjm@ul.edu.lr
32. Jenkins M. Fofana Teaching Ast 0886539449//0777173876 fofanajm@ul.edu.lr

 Administrative Staff

1. Wakar Wayon Office Asst 0886244648//0777041804 wayonwa@ul.edu.lr

Department of Public Administration

The Department of Public Administration established in August, 1977 is currently chaired by Mr. Arthur B. Sharpe. Its key objectives are to prepare students for entry level positions in government and non-governmental sectors as well as prepare students with the education pre-requisites for graduate studies. Since its establishment, the department through its four (4) year academic program continues to award a Bachelor of Public Administration degree (BPA) to candidates who complete a minimum of 136/137 credit hours. The below are members of the department’s staff and faculty:
No Name Position Phone # E-mail


1 Richard S. Panton Chairman 0886544-591 0777544-591 pantonrs@ul.edu.lr
2 E. J. Bofoh Doe Instructor 0777500-001 doebe@ul.edu.lr
3 Mohammed M. Kiawu Instructor 0880523946 kiawumm@ul.edu.lr
4 Arthur B. Sharpe Instructor 0777907-720 0886524-519 sharpeab@ul.edu.lr
5 Tee-Harris Worlobah Instructor 0777581-142 worlobahth@ul.edu.lr
6 Prince W. Wisseh Instructor 0886741-299 0776741-299 wissehpw@ul.edu.lr
7 Melvin S. Garpeh Full-Time TA 0886520-742 garpehms@ul.edu.lr

Administrative Staff

8 Joseph Gono Adm. Secretary 0886783-910 gonojy@ul.edu.lr