The 16th president of UL

UL INAUGURATION SPEECH – President Layli Maparyan, Ph.D.

President Layli Maparyan, Ph.D. It is with the utmost honor and gratitude that I accept the Presidency of the University of Liberia (UL), and I am thankful to His Excellency President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, the University’s Visitor, the UL Board of Trustees, and its designated Search Committee, for placing […]

Statement by Prof. Dr.  Julius S. Nelson Jr., President of the University of Liberia, Announcing the Commencement of 2022/23 Academic Year

June 12, 2023 | Capitol Hill Campus | 14 00 GMT Prof. Dr. Moses M. Zinnah, Vice President for Academic Affairs University of Liberia Cabinet Faculty and Staff General Student Body Members of the Fourth Estate Our online viewers and those following via radio Distinguished […]

Special Remarks by Prof. Dr. Julius Julukon Sarwolo Nelson, Jr. at University of Sierra Leone School of Post Graduate Studies (SPS) & College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences (COMAHS) Congregation Ceremony

Furah Bay Campus, Freetown, Sierra Leone | Friday, April 14, 2023 | Your Excellency, Brig. (Rtd.) Dr. Julius Maada Bio, Visitor of the University of Sierra Leone, and President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Her Excellency Madam Fatima Maada Bio, First Lady of the […]