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Graduate Program in Educational Administration and Supervision (GPED)

Home / Graduate Program in Educational Administration and Supervision (GPED)

The Graduate Program in Educational Administration and Supervision was established in 1990 to grant a Master of Arts degree (M.A.) and a Master of Education
degree (M.Ed.) with a specialization in Educational Administration and Supervision.
Generally the Master degree is intended to:
a. Provide opportunities for professional growth beyond the baccalaureate for those
in the education profession within the Republic of Liberia as well as those from
other nations;
b. Improve the administration of schools and the supervision of instructional programs so that the overall quality of education in Liberia is improved.
Admission to the Master degree program is open to holders of a Bachelor degree with
an average of 3.000 or better from an accredited university or an equivalent institution. In special cases a student with less than a Grade Point Average of 3.000, but not
less than 2.700, may be admitted on a conditional basis.
The candidate should have had at least two years of professional educational experience before being admitted into the program of Educational Administration and Supervision
Presently, the Graduate Program of Educational Administration and Supervision offers Master of Arts (M.A.) degree and Master of Education (M.Ed.), with a total of
no less than forty-eight credit hours of required work successfully completed.
Admission requirements
1. All candidates enrolled into the program must maintain at least a grade
of ‘B’ in every course.
2. The normal course load should be 12 credit hours per semester.
3. All candidates seeking admission to the Graduate Program in Educational Administration and Supervision are required to sit a Graduate
Admission Examination and interview administered by the university.
4. A candidate who did not graduate from Teachers College (or equivalent) and seeks admission into the program is required to take remedial
courses before being formally admitted.