“Invest in Research and Innovation to Develop Liberia”: Prof. Taylor Urges Government
The Executive Director of the Liberia Institute for Research and Policy Studies at the University of Liberia, Prof. Dr. Agnes Reeves Taylor has emphasized the importance for the Government of Liberia to provide fundings to universities to undertake quality research and innovation for development.
According to Prof. Taylor, institutions of higher learning can build linkages among the government, business institutions, donors, national and multi-international institutions for development through research and innovation.
Prof. Taylor made the assertions on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, when she served as Keynote Speaker at the University of Liberia Honors Scholars Seventh Annual Research Symposium, held under the theme: Developing National Leaders through Research and Innovation” on the Fendall Campus of the University.
She argues that the requisite support for growth and development through research is not prioritized in Liberia.
She wants universities and other institutions of higher learning to be given huge support by the government and other stakeholders to conduct more research and provide solutions to some of the challenges the government is grappling to solve for its citizens.

“Universities and other institutions of higher learning should be involved in aiding the government in its agenda for development through the conduct of quality research”, Prof. Taylor cited.
She believes that research and innovation are major instruments for addressing societal needs, noting that “Every challenge we face on a daily basis as well as the driving problems of economic growth and development for any nation is solved through quality research and innovation.”
Prof. Taylor added that Liberia is a part of the African continent that boasts of being endowed with occupying a significant portion of most of the world’s resources but there is not much development to benefit.
“We have more than forty percent of the earth’s surface, more than sixty percent of the world’s fertile land, coupled with a huge portion of the world largest forests, thirty percent of the world’s reserve of minerals, we boast of the world’s youngest population than any continent in the world, yet we are not developed and continue to lack behind”, Prof. Taylor lamented.
She however expressed optimism that Liberia can develop rapidly through investment in research and innovations and young scholars must be prepared to lead the effort.
“Speak out when you have new ideas. Experiment with your new ideas. Work together in groups and where you lack your colleagues can assist you move ahead”, Prof. Taylor admonished.

Speaking further, Sweden Ambassador to Liberia, Urban Sjostrom, underscored the need for more support to research, which according to him, makes any country competitive.
Amb. Sjostrom encouraged young scholars to engage more in research and Gender Studies for making their country competitive and creating new opportunities for their fellow citizens.
Amb. Sjostrom meanwhile warned against risks that characterized those opportunities.
“There are plenty of opportunities, but there are also plenty of risks, but you must guide against those risks to excel”, Amb. Sjostrom.
He admonished the students to use their research skills and project the truth in whatever they are involved with to the benefit of Liberia.
“We are also in an era of fake news, disinformation, propaganda, and we also know the rest… Therefore, research is key for all of us to stick to the facts and keep the country, the continent, and the world on track.
Speaking on behalf of the UL President, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Moses M. Zinnah reiterated the critical role of research and publications to the advancement of higher institutions of learning.
Dr. Zinnah thanked Assistant Professor Mamawa M. Freeman Moore, Dean of the Honors College of Gender Studies and Research, for training students on how to conduct research and provide solutions to problems confronting society.
He reaffirmed the UL commitment to continue supporting the College in whatever way that makes it viable.
“We will protect this enterprise that we call the Honors College. The UL stands strongly behind the Honors Program, and we will do everything to ensure that it survives by meeting its needs and objectives.” Dr. Zinnah assured.

Also speaking, the Dean of the Honors College, Asst Prof. Freeman-Moore, acknowledged efforts the UL is exerting to be among the top 20 Universities in the region, but however pointed out that such achievement is mainly possible through engaging in quality research and publications.
“The University of Liberia is on a trajectory to be among the top 20 Universities in the region soon. One of the key criteria for reaching this level is for universities to be actively involved in research and in publication of academic papers”, Dean. Moore reminded.
According to Dean Moore, the College has graduated six cohorts of students, who went through training in writing advanced research papers since it was founded in 2011.
“Today we celebrate the achievements of the seventh cohort of Honors Students who have completed three years of training in several short certificate courses including Research Methods, Fundamentals of writing a thesis paper, Interdisciplinary Research, Public Speaking, Global Feminism, Importance of Gender Equality to Economic Development, Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), Critical Thinking, Character Development and Career Skills, and Effective Study Skill”, Dean Moore indicated.
The College will graduate eleven Honors Scholars who completed three years of Interdisciplinary Research Studies during the “Hallakehmeni” (God’s Doing) 103rd Graduating Class Commencement Convocation commencing on Monday, May 29, 2023.
Eight of the Honors Scholars presented their research findings and recommendations on various topics with a focus on the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, including, Goal #3, “Good Health and Wellbeing”, Goal #4, “Ensuring Quality Education”, Goal #7, “Ensuring Affordable and Clean Energy”, and Goal #9, “Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure”.