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AAUL reminded of its very important role in UL’s growth

The Alumni Association of the University of Liberia (AAUL), which has membership both home and T abroad, has been reminded of its very important role and responsibility

Dr. Nelson Heightens Hopes At UL

Hopes and expectations at the University of Liberia (UL) have H been heightened by Dr. Julius Sarwolo Nelson’s declaration to work collectively with his team of administrators

UL Graduates More Health Professionals

The University of L i b e r i a  o n  W e d n e s d a y  December 11, 2019, graduated 37 Doctors

UL Honors Four Traditional Chiefs for Donating 1000 Acres of Land in Grand Cape

At a colorful ceremony in Sinje, Grand Cape Mount County, the University of Liberia (UL) honored and gowned four traditional chiefs of the county whose donation of

The University of Liberia was founded in 1862 as Liberia College and became a full University in 1951.  It is a public institution funded mainly by the Government of Liberia…. Read More

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