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Category: Obituary

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A Tribute to Professor Dr. Emmet A. Dennis, Sr., 13th President of the University

Although I was keenly aware of Dr. Dennis’ illness from cancer, the news of his passing came as a profound shock to me. I was hoping and

Tribute To the late Prof. Dr. Emmet A. Dennis, Former President of the University

We received with sadness the news that Dr. Emmet A. Dennis, Former President of the University of Liberia, Former Member, UL Board of Trustees; Professor Emeritus, A.

UL Pays Last Respects to Dr. Dennis

The University of Liberia (UL) has held a vigil service for its former president, the late Prof. Dr. Emmet A. Dennis, who died on March 6, 2022

A Tribute to Professor Dr. Emmet A. Dennis, Sr., 13th President of the University

Although I was keenly aware of Dr. Dennis’ illness from cancer, the news of his passing came as a profound shock to me. I was hoping and