Home / Student Life
At UL, we value and know that student life is an important and dynamic component of an active university experience; as such, the UL has many student organizations, clubs, recreational activities, among others, on campus to fully enrich a student’s academic sojourn to help each student become an integral and active member of the university family.
As a student you can either join or participate in one of several organizations: The sports and athletic clubs, The University of Liberia Chorus, or student political activities, among others.
All Athletic Teams of the University of Liberia; University Players; UL Chorus; UL Band are to function as follows:
Campus-Based Organizations
Additionally, college-based organizations can contribute to more exposure and enhance your student interaction. These organizations include the College of Agriculture and Forestry Association (CAFSA), Economic Student Association (ESA), Association of Management Student (AMS), Engineering, Geology & Mining Student Association (EGSA), Mathematics Student Association, (MATHUSA), Political Science Student Association (POSSA), Geography Student Association (GEOGSAUL), Biology Student Association (BIOSA), Chemistry Student Association (CHEMUSA), Public Administration Student Association (PASAUL), Accounting Student Association (ASA), Sociology and Anthropology Student Association (SASA) and College of General Studies Association (COGESSA).
All campus-based student organizations shall be duly registered in the Office of Student Affairs of the University by filing copies of their By-Laws and Constitutions and other regulations, indicating eligibility for membership purpose, aims and objectives of the organization, with at least three to five hundred initial membership to the Office of Student Affairs.
For recognition as a campus organization, the Constitution, By-Laws and other organizational instruments and any amendments thereto shall be approved by the University Council upon recommendation by the Office of Student Affairs.
The Office of Student Affairs can grant temporary recognition/permit to student groups for a period of three months until final approval of the University Council. The temporary permit is renewable only once. The existing organizations are as follows:
Grand Bassa University Student Association (BASAUL), Cape Mount(CAMUSA), Sinoe (SUSA), Maryland (MUSA), Bong (BUSA), Lofa (LUSA), Nimba (NUSA), Grand Gedeh (GGUSA), Bomi (BOUSA), River Gee (GEESA), Grand Kru (GKUSA), Montserrado (MONTUSA), Rivercess (RUSA), Gbarpolu (AGUS), Margibi (MARUSA).
Religious Groups
The UL also provides a place for those who seek to enrich their religious experience while studying at the university. Three organizations are on the campus to fulfill that purpose: The Varsity Christian Fellowship (VCF), the University of Liberia Muslim Student Association (ULMSA), and Great Commission Movement (GCM).
Social Groups
Our social groups include AIESE, the UL Volunteer Movement (ULVM), UNESCO Club, University of Liberia Nature Club, Students Opposing Unfair Practices at the University of Liberia (SOUPUL), University of Liberia Icon Move (UNICOM), among others.
The Office of Student Affairs in collaboration with the Kofi Annan Institute of Conflict Transformation (KAICT) must always Conduct Student Leadership Workshop (s) regularly. To be eligible for Leadership of the Student Union, one must have participated in the Student Compulsory Leadership workshop.
ALL SCHOLARSHIP FUND RAISING PROGRAMS must be done a week before registration, to avoid students benefiting from scholarship having problem (s) during registration.
Orientation shall be held before registration for all in-coming freshmen and transfer students. It shall be compulsory that all freshmen and transfer students sign a BOND OF GOOD BEHAVIOR during the orientation that is provided in the Student Handbook.
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