UL Police Completes Validation of Operational, Policy Handbook

A one day workshop to review and validate an operational and policy Handbook for the University of Liberia Police has taken place on the Fendall campus of the university with key stakeholders including representatives from the Legal, Human Resource, Student Affairs, Institute of Policy Studies and research and other departments in attendance.
According to the Vice President for Administration, Madam Benetta J. Tarr, the document was developed by the administration following a capacity needs assessment conducted recently.based on the need of transforming it into a professional institution. She said the findings from the assessment revealed the need to develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that guide the conduct and enhance the skills and performance of officers.
She added that the expansion of the UL also necessitated their action to transform the campus security guard to a full fledged university police that would serve as the first and foremost protective arm of the University.Â
Participants at the review and validation process focused on four major sections contained in the draft policy Handbook. They include introductory background, mission, vision and objective of the policy, the organizational structure, and basic operating procedures.
Speaking at the close of the validation, UL President, Rev. Dr. Julius Julukon Sarwolo Nelson, Jr., stressed the importance of security to the development processes of the UL. “In the transformation of the university to another level we should not, we cannot leave the issue of security behind. We must bring security, information and broadcasting and other areas to the front burner to make sure our colleagues utilize their full skills”.
Dr. Nelson requested Madam Tarr to present a realistic budget that covers logistics for the UL Police for approval. “I was sharing with VP Tarr that let’s get the report and information on the basic things like logistics that we need to make the security functional and effective”, Dr. Nelson said.
A motion to endorse the policy document was accepted following it’s validation while the technical working group included comments from participants. Upon coming into effect, Human Resource Department shall ensure the printing of multiple copies to be issued to all UL Police officers.