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William V. S. Tubman College of Education (BSc)

Home / William V. S. Tubman College of Education (BSc)

College Overview

The William V.S. Tubman College of Education, formerly Teachers College was founded in March, 1947 as a cooperative enterprise of the Government of Liberia to help meet the nation’s pressing need for trained teachers.  The institution was attached to the College of West Africa and provided a two-year program of academic and professional training for high school graduates preparing to teach in elementary schools.  By 1950, the school had become an independent institution, and was fully supported by the Government of Liberia.  In November of the same year (1950), it awarded its first Bachelor of Science degree in education to nine persons (6 men and 3 women).

In 1951, the college was merged with Liberia College and five other schools to become the University of Liberia.  It then extended its training program from two to four years and its name was changed from William V. S. Tubman School of Teacher Training to the William V. S. Tubman Teachers College in 1962 and now, William V.S. Tubman College of Education.

The college was established to contribute to the scientific development of education in the nation by preparing qualified pre-service teachers for elementary and secondary schools.  In addition, the college is to assist in the professional improvement of in-service teachers and to collaborate with the Ministry of Education in education planning and programs for the nation.

Furthermore, the William V. S. College of Education is to collaborate with other institutions involved in teacher education, the Monrovia Consolidated School System, other education agencies, and elementary and secondary schools of the nation.  The college is also involved in researching and working with experimental projects.

College Administrative Officers

Cecelia Cassell Dean BSc, MPhil, PhD
Moses Y. Yarkpawolo Chair – Secondary Education BSc, MEd
Anita J. Cooper Chair – Primary Education BSc, MEd
Jebbeh N. Gray Acting Chair – Early Childhood Education BSc, MEd
Levela A. Tokpa Administrative Assistant BSc
Ruth D. Ballayan Secretary I BSc, MA
Samuel B. Toe Secretary II BPA
James N. Sumowar Demonstrator II BSc
James H. Deline Office Assistant Diploma

Department of Early Childhood Education

The Department of Early Childhood Education aims to prove carefully planned experiences that will result in the development of qualified, competent and effective ECE school teachers to meet the demand for trained teachers to cater for the nations’ young generation now and in the future. The minimum semester hour requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science (BSc) in ECE is 131.

Department of Early Childhood Faculty

Jebbeh N. Gray Early Childhood Education BSc, MEd
Leona W. Payger Early Childhood Education BSc, MEd

Department of Primary Education

The department aims to provide carefully planned experiences that will result in the development of competent teachers for primary schools of the New Liberian Nation. It offers a four year program that leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Primary Education. The Program provides specialization in one or the two areas of concentration: Language Arts/Social Studies and Mathematics/Science.

Department of Primary Education Faculty

Anita Cooper Primary Education BSc, MEd
Debbie Scott – Caranda Curriculum BSc, MEd
Kebeh F. Duyenku Primary & Basic Education BSc, MPhil
Cecelia Cassell Language Education BSc, MPhil, PhD
Atty. Prince A. Dekar Music Education BSc, LLB

Department of Secondary Education Faculty

Moses Y. Yarphawolo Geography Education BSc, MEd
Gailay M. Barclay Math, Statistics, Test & Measurement BSc, MPhil
Joseph F. Younn Math and Science Education, Research & Evaluation BSc, MPhil, PhD
Benjamin Koryah Science Education BSc, MEd
Tom N. Wesseh Social Studies Education BSc, MEd
Richard W. Clark Educational Administration BA. MA
Robert A. Weah English Education, Curriculum Studies BSc, MPhil
Peter L. Kerkula English Education Curriculum Studies BSc, MPhil
Ambullai V. Sirleaf Math Education BSc, MSc
Edwin B. Arzoaquoi Geography Education, Educational Psychology BSc, MPhil
Viama Blama Educational Psychology BSC, BA, MA, LLB
Noah Bordolo English Education BSc, MSc
Leeway D. Karngbae Secondary Education BSc, PGDE, MEd Candidate
Veronica D. Yemi Business Education AA, BSc, MA, MSc Candidate
Mulbah Z. Forkpa Math Education BSc, MPhil, MSc
Augustine S. Laveleh Agronomy/Crop Science BSc, MSc