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Category: Announcement

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UL Suspends Student Political Activities

Effective Immediately, all political activities including student politics on UL campuses are hereby suspended until further notice. The suspension comes in the wake of Monday’s, June 3,

Job Openings General Counsel,T-VET and Others

ADVERTISEMENT FOR GENERAL COUNSEL   The University of Liberia, a multi-campus, public university, is seeking nominations and applications for the position of General Counsel (GC). As chief

Final Examinations Schedule for 1st Semester 2018/2019.

Freshman and Senior Schedule (FENDALL COURSES ONLY) [embeddoc url=”http://ul.edu.lr/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/FRESHMEN-SENIOR-Fandell-Final-Exam-1st-Sem-2018-2019.pdf” download=”all”] Sophomore and Junior Schedule (FENDALL COURSES ONLY) [embeddoc url=”http://ul.edu.lr/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Junior-Sophomore-FandellFinal-Exam-1st-Sem-2018-2019-.pdf” download=”all”] Freshman and Senior Schedule (CAPITOL HILL COURSES

Faculty Technology Training Workshop Begins Today

The Faculty Technology Training Workshop begins today, Thursday, February 14 on the Fendall Campus of the University of Liberia.  All Faculty members who teach at the Fendall