Classes Resume at UL

Classes Resume at UL

Normal academic activities of teaching and learning resumed Monday, June 27, 2022 at the University of Liberia following the hiatus due to major renovation works on badly damaged infrastructure on the campuses of the University.

The renovation includes the rehabilitation of sewages and sanitation, roofing, paintings, road rehabilitation, sourcing of constant supply of water to bathrooms among others.

There have been  mounting concerns from sectors of the student populace as to when will those renovations finish for classes to resume.

However, UL President, Dr. Julius Sarwolo Nelson,Jr., and his management team, being fully cognizant of the increasing need to see students return to classes and continue the process of teaching and learning, announced through a press conference on June 16, 2022, after consultations with all stakeholders,  that classes would officially commence on Monday, June 27, 2022.

True to it, students and lecturers were greeted with newly refurbished classrooms, offices and bathrooms with supply of water and re-roofed academic buildings as they trooped to classes.

A cross section of students and faculty, many of whom were seen in various classes on the Capitol Hill and Fendall campuses, expressed joy of returning to classes to continue teaching and learning.

“I couldn’t wait any longer to get back in school after sitting home for more than three months for different reasons”, a student Justin Mapeay was quoted as saying.

Ann Johnson, a faculty member, remarked, “The more we delay the opening of school, the more our students are affected and the more we go back on our responsibility to train our young men and women for leadership”.

The June 6, 2022, initial date set couldn’t go ahead with advice from engineers and technicians for additional three weeks to be added to allow for the completion of other sections of the renovation not captured in the general plan to be handled.

Hence, the UL President and his management team, the Government of Liberia represented by the Ministers of State for Presidential Affairs and Finance and Development Planning had a meeting that culminated into disbursement of the balance 625,000 to complete the 1m appropriated for phase one of the renovation.

Meanwhile, the University of Liberia Faculty Association,ULFA, will hold a special General Assembly, GA, on Wednesday, June 29, 2022, to inform their members on the outcomes of series of engagements with the UL Administration with specific focus on a meeting convened on Saturday, June 25, 2022, by the Liberia Council of Churches.

It is expected that a resolution calling for ULFA to reconsider their earlier call for a vote of ‘no confidence’ in the UL President and subsequently return to classes will be announced.