Death Announcement

Death Announcement

The Administration of the University of Liberia announces with profound regrets the death of Madam Younda H. Tubman, former Director of UL Bookstore and Academicals. She died at the ELWA Hospital on June 16, 2019 after a protracted period of illness.

The late Mrs. Younda Harris-Tubman joined the UL family as secretary to the Director of UL Libraries in February 1978. She served the University of Liberia for 41 years through different capacities, including but not limited to: Administrative Assistant/UL Libraries and Director for UL Bookstore and Academicals, a position she held until her death.

The body is currently deposited at the Samuel A. Stryker Funeral Home. On Thursday, July 4, 2019, the body will be removed from the Samuel Stryker Funeral Home and taken to the University of Liberia’s Capitol Hill Campus for one hour of Virgil service.

Thereafter, the body will be taken to the Truth Apostolic Church International for a night of wake-keeping. Funeral service over the remains of the late Younda Harris-Tubman takes place on Friday, July 5, 2019 at the same church, to be followed by interment at the Kaiser Memorial Cemetery in Brewerville, Montserrado County.