House Committee on Education Meets UL Administration

House Committee on Education Meets UL Administration

The Committee on Education and Public Administration at the House of Representatives has held a crucial meeting with the University of Liberia (UL) Administration based on Montserrado County Electoral District #9 Representative Hon. Frank Saah Foko’s  recent communication addressed to House Speaker Hon. Bhofal Chambers concerning recent “threats” by UL Faculty that could disrupt classes.

Through the communication, Rep. Foko had asked for his colleagues’ support to invite the UL Administration and hear the challenges facing the institution so as to find solutions and prevent disruptions of learning activities.

Chairing the meeting at the Legislature on Monday, November 8, 2021, Lofa County Electoral District #4 Representative Hon. Haja Mariamu Fofana said the Committee’s role is to hear from the University what its challenges are and to work together in finding solutions that will keep it operational. 

Pledging the Committee’s support to the University, Hon. Fofana urged the University Administration to be frank about its main area of focus that must be addressed as the committee is prepared to advance through advocacy before the Legislature, the institution’s request to bridge some financial gaps in the new budget.

The head of delegation to the Capitol, Dr. Moses Zinnah, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Acting President of the University of Liberia, informed the Committee that the bases of the challenges at the university are concerns forwarded by the faculty and growth in student population.

Dr. Zinnah said though it is a policy announced to offer academic programs 60 – 40 in a blended semester due to Covid, the university however offers over 85 percent of its courses in person, cognizant of the challenges with internet, electricity, digital devices and facilities, among others.

Dr. Darren Wilkins, Vice President for Information Technology, University of Liberia, said the University has a total of 27 Computer labs that need to be equipped, adding that the University is making some strides to train faculty members who are not digitally literate. He added that money is needed to enable the University to do more.

Madam Benetta Joko Tarr, Vice President for Administration; Mr. Isaac H. Garnett, Vice President for Finance and Fiscal Affairs; Mr. Aaron Sengbeh, Director, Office of Enrollment Services (OES) and Mr. Thomas G. Karyah, Director, University Relations, were part of the UL Delegation at the Capitol.