Obituary of the Late Augustine K. Boakai, Former Director, UL Relations

Obituary of the Late Augustine K. Boakai, Former Director, UL Relations

The Administration of the University of Liberia regrets to announce the sudden death of the former Director of University Relations, Augustine Kole Boakai, whose sad passing occurred on Thursday, April 13, 2023, at his residence in Moulton Corner, Brewerville, Montserrado County, following a protracted period of illness.

His remains have been deposited at the Ebenezer Funeral Home in Lower Virginia, Montserrado County awaiting funeral and interment.

The late Augustine Boakai joined the UL in August 2004, and began to serve as Director of University of Relations up to his retirement. He later became a Part Time lecturer in the department of English.

He retired from the UL in 2019, consistent with the policy on employment and retirement following at least 15 years of committed and dedicated service.

The late Boakai earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mass Communication and Master of Science Degree in International Relations from the University of Liberia in 2003 and 2012 respectively. 

He also acquired numerous diplomas in related disciplines including diploma in Broadcasting from the Liberia Rural Commodity Network, diploma in Agriculture Extension from the Lofa County Agriculture Development Project in Lofa County, Liberia.

The late Boakai also worked as a professional media practitioner prior to joining the UL where he continued on a similar path up to his illness and his subsequent demise.

From 1997 to 1998, the late Boakai served as Director for Public Affairs for the Civil Service Agency, CSA of  Liberia.

Thereafter, he became News Editor for the New Liberia Newspaper, which is published by the Ministry of Information Culture Affairs and Tourism from 1999 to 2000.

In 2008, the late Boakai was nominated as the lone individual to represent and make a presentation in Beijing, China on behalf of the UL at a seminar on Management of Projects Aided by the People’s Republic of China.

He was widely known and admired by many who crossed paths with him for his humility, intelligence, kindness and a mastery of the spoken and written language.

The late Boakai’s death is described as a loss not only to his family and friends, but the University of Liberia where he devoted a significant portion of his professional career to developing the human resource capacity of Liberians and other nationals.

The Administration, faculty, staff and students extend their deepest sympathy to his family for the irreparable loss and wish him and others who departed this world everlasting peace and light perpetual shine on them.


Signed: UL Relations