Statement by, Prof. Dr.  Julius S. Nelson Jr., on the Release of 2022 Second Entrance Results

Statement by, Prof. Dr.  Julius S. Nelson Jr., on the Release of 2022 Second Entrance Results

Prof. Stephen Jubwe, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty

University of Liberia Cabinet

Faculty and Staff

General Student Body

Members of the Fourth Estate
Our online viewers and those following via radio

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen

Greetings of Shalom and Peac

With the utmost excitement,  we bring you today the official results of the SECOND ENTRANCE & PLACEMENT EXAM AND APTITUDE TEST of 2022 administered in November 2022 in which 9,600 plus candidates participated. 

As the President of this institution of  higher learning that has the unenviable task of moulding the minds of young Liberians and training  the workforce of this country, the high participation rate in our entrance exam process brings me great joy as well as strong reminders of the challenges at hand.

The 9,602 candidates who sat the Second Entrance joined the over 12,000 candidates who sat the First Entrance to give us more than 21,000 total candidates who participated in the 2022 entrance exam cycle. 

We are aware that there could be significant overlap candidates from the First to the second exam but these staggering numbers present clear narratives of their own. This trend of heightened interest in our enrollment processes point to changes in the higher education sub-sector which have made tertiary education more affordable and attainable without compromising quality. This is why as managers and administrators of this premiere public higher education institution, we are always pleased to see the continuous demonstration of desires by Liberians of various works of life to acquire higher education and build their capacities here at the University of Liberia (Lux In Tenebris)

The current enrollment is in excess of 21,000, of whom over 2,000 will be leaving us during the 103rd Commencement Convocation in May/June this year. 

Though we are extremely excited as always, to welcome more and more new intakes, we must also ensure that other targeted variables are attained. It is our responsibility to attract the best and brightest students through these processes to ensure that the quality and standard of our brand remain high. 

We are cognizant of the changing faculty-student ratio; this is why faculty and staff  development is a high priority.

There is also a glaringly  urgent need for infrastructure upgrade, maintenance and construction of new facilities not just to respond to the increasing demand for affordable higher education in Liberia but also to deal with legacy issues on our campuses.

Balancing these demands and objectives against a resource envelope has been a very tricky undertaking. However, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Liberia, we have been addressing some of these challenges proactively and innovatively using a mix of policy and technological tools.

On the policy front, we remain forever grateful to The Visitor of the University of Liberia, H.E. Dr. George M. Weah, for instituting the tuition free policy for all public tertiary institutions which is one of the main driving forces behind the desires of many ordinary Liberians to join the University of Liberia. Thank you also Mr. President for reminding our Honourable Lawmakers in your sixth Annual Message about the passage of the revised University of Liberia Charter.

On the technology side, the University of Liberia is pushing deep into the digital sphere with most of our systems and processes.

I’m pleased to inform you that the 2022 Entrance Exam cycle was rolled out in sync with our digitization plan. As you will learn soon from members of the Testing Committee, even the publication of results has progressed with our digital and privacy protection plans.

At this juncture, I am pleased to present the heads of one of our biggest communities, and one that has always partnered with us in addressing some of our many challenges. Let me present to you the leadership of our Alumni Association for a special presentation before getting the detailed technical report from the Testing Committee led by Academic Affairs.

Thank you


[Link to the RStudio Portal where results are hosted]