William V. S. Tubman Teachers College Releases Ministry of Education/World Bank Scholarship Interview Report

William V. S. Tubman Teachers College Releases Ministry of Education/World Bank Scholarship Interview Report


The Government of Liberia has received a grant of USD 47 million dollars from the International Development Association (IDA) to implement the Improving Results in Secondary Education (IRISE) project. A portion of this amount is allocated for the modernization of Pre-service Teacher Education. It is expected that the money will be used to building the capacity of selected teacher training institutions to produce qualified teacher graduates, who have the required content knowledge and skills to effectively impart learning in the classroom and equip their students with 21st century skills. The William V.S. Tubman Teachers College at the University of Liberia (UL-TC) has been selected by the Ministry of Education (MoE) as the pre-service teacher training institution which will be strengthened under the Project. As the Flagship University, the college is well positioned to play a leadership role in revitalizing teachers’ education in the country.

Under this arrangement, the Teachers College is to train twenty (20) new faculty in the content areas of Mathematics Education, Biology Education, Chemistry Education, Physics Education, English Education, History Education, Geography Education, Business Education, Gender Education, Educational Psychology, Agriculture Education, and General Science.

To achieve this goal, the College set up a Technical Working Group (TWG) to develop implementation plan. The TWG called for applications in October of 2019 and January of 2020 through advertisements on the bulling boards of the UL and MoE. One hundred eighteen (118) applications were received, and vetted by reading through the applicants’ career objectives. Eighty two (82) were qualified to sit the interview that lasted for five days. At the end of the interview, seventeen (17) males and three (3) females were qualified for the scholarships. Please see the list of qualified applicants below. 

Members of the Interview Panel

# Name Institution Position
1 Mr. Emmanuel Slawon National Commission of Higher Education Human Resource Director
2 Mr. Samuel Williams Ministry of Education Coordinator, International   Scholarship
3 Mr. Patrick Davies Zorzor Rural Teacher Training Institute Director
4 Mr. James A. Kromah United Methodist University Associate Dean for Admissions
5 Mr. Leeway D. Karngbeae University of Liberia Faculty, Secondary Edu.
6 Dr. Joseph F. Younn University of Liberia Chair, Secondary Edu.
7. Dr. Cecelia Cassell University of Liberia Dean, UL-TC
8 Marcus S. Sokpah University of Liberia Chair, Department of English and Literature
9 Shadrack Kerl Ministry of Education Program Coordinator, Teacher Education
10 Musu Z. Dixon-Badio Ministry of Education Regional Education Office


Successful Applicants and Area of Specialization

# Name Area of Specialization
1 Ansumana F. Munya Chemistry Education
2 Edwin Z. Johnson Chemistry Education
3 Kpayounn P. Wakocco Geography Education
4 Omodu P. Molly Geography Education
5 Dennis R. Nimely Mathematics Education
6 Jimmy George Mathematics Education
7 Morris A. Sackor English Education
8 Wluty D. Shatamon English Education
9 Naomi F. Vaye General Science
10 Samuel Bull Togar General Science
11 Lydia Amoslyn Matthews Gender Education
12 Isaac Jolokleh Education Psychology
13 J. Baryarma Kolako Business Education
14 Edwin Y. Gonquoi History Education
15 Jashua S. Khakie History Education
16 Josiah Leo Charles Physics Education
17 P. Archimedes Dahn Physics Education
18 Quita Tokpah Agriculture Education
19 Patrick Pabai Biology Education
20 Jackson T. Doboyou Biology Education


These successful applicants are to do their graduate studies in Sub-Sahara Africa beginning January and August 2021, depending on the reopening of institutions in these countries.


Cecelia Cassell, PhD

Dean, UL-TC and Lead, Sub-Component 3.1 (A)

World Bank Project


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