UL Defers Reopening: New Date To Be Announced Later

UL Defers Reopening: New Date To Be Announced Later

Capitol Hill Campus, October 14, 2023: The Administration of the University of Liberia (UL) hereby informs its students, faculty, staff and the general public that the election break has been extended; that is to say, normal academic activities and regular work will not resume on Monday, October 16, 2023, as was earlier announced.

Based on ongoing consultations with relevant UL stakeholders and others, a new reopening date will be announced.

The UL Administration regrets any inconvenience this deferment of reopening may have caused; however, it assures all that the decision to temporarily defer the reopening of the University was made in the best interest of the institution.

This adjustment, however, does not apply to administrative and other non-academic staff.


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