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UL Begins Digital Migration

[wzslider autoplay=”true” interval=”2000″ height=”500″ lightbox=”true”] UL Begins Digital Migration -Thanks to Pres. Weah- The University of Liberia has begun a digital migration process that will fully integrate

UL Graduates Receiving Diplomas on Time

  UL Graduates Receiving Diplomas on Time; As New Security Features Enhance UL Transcript UL Relations, Monrovia, Liberia, March 7, 2018- In a rigorous effort to set

Enhancing Post-Election Political Stability in Liberia

The Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation (KAICT) of the University of Liberia, with sponsorship from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), is pleased to invite you

UL Releases Entrance Results, 1,661 Successful

1,661 Passed UL First Entrance Exam The results of the May 2018 UL Entrance and Placement Exam administered to 10,837 candidates have been released and show that

The University of Liberia was founded in 1862 as Liberia College and became a full University in 1951.  It is a public institution funded mainly by the Government of Liberia…. Read More

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