UL 2nd Entrance Announcement

UL 2nd Entrance Announcement

July 2, 2019

The Administration of the University of Liberia through the Center of Testing and Evaluation (CTE) is pleased to announce extension in the deadline for payment of UL 2nd Entrance registration.
Deadline for payment of registration fees to designated banks is extended from Friday, June 28, 2019, to Wednesday, July 10, 2019, to allow candidates who are desirous of sitting the entrance to register.

Meanwhile, the UL 2019, Second Entrance will be administered on Saturday, July 13, 2019, beginning 8:00 A.M for Undergraduate candidates as scheduled.

Similarly, deadline for payment of registration fees to designated banks for the Graduate and Professional Schools, the Law School, the Medical School, the School of Pharmacy, the College of General Studies and the Stratz-Sinje Technical and Vocational College in Sinje, Grand Cape Mount County is extended from Friday, June 28, 2019, to Wednesday, July 3, 2019.
Registration fee for Undergraduate is LD$3,000.00 (Three thousand Liberian dollars), registration for the College of General Studies is $3,500.00 (Three thousand Five hundred Liberian Dollars,) while registration for the Graduate and Professional Schools is US$150.00 (One Hundred Fifty United States Dollars).

High School graduates and 12th grade students wishing to enroll at the University are encouraged to register and sit the Entrance Examinations.

There will be absolutely no further extension in the deadline for payment of entrance registration fees after the stipulated deadlines expire