Home / Liberia College of Social Sciences and Humanities
The College of Social Sciences and Humanities (Liberia College) was founded on an agenda of social responsibility to the Liberian society and the world to provide educational access to the citizens and other nationals across the globe. The Institution was first named College of Liberal and Fine Arts, and later Liberia College and now College of Social Sciences and Humanities. This agenda has served the college and its students well since the formation of the institution in 1862. Liberia College has continued to evolve since 1862, when the government of Liberia, 15 years after independence, authorized the establishment of a college. Liberia College (College of Social Sciences and Humanities) of the University of Liberia was founded on an agenda of Social responsibility to the Liberian Society in particular and the world in general to provide educational access to the nation and other nationals across the globe.
At the college, a high premium is placed on academic freedom, and students receive a top quality education. Faculty and students are equally held in an orbit of high standard. Liberia College has flourished for over 158 years, and is widely regarded among Liberians as an academic powerhouse, standing at the top in a range of colleges and universities in Liberia. The college also strives to be among the most innovative academic institutions in the world. The college remains committed to empowering its students with the knowledge and practical skills vital to achieving personal and professional success in the changing local and global communities in which they live, work and compete in the job market. advance and knowledge cherished.
(BA only) Four year degree-granting program and offers English required courses in fulfillment of the general education program at the University of Liberia.
(BA Only) Offers a degree in the field of General Geography, training programs, actively engages in research activities, including environmental impact assessment, feasibility studies, and related geographic studies.
The French language was introduced at the University of Liberia in the 1960s with the immediate and urgent need of providing translators and interpreters of the French Language.
One of the degree granting programs at the University of Liberia, established in 1862 with the primary objective of presenting an in-depth, accurate and comprehensive study of History
The Department of Art and Crafts through its program delivers instructions in art education and at the same time enriches the students with specialized training in the field of Arts and Crafts. The art program adds a new dimension to the life of the technically oriented student.
The department offers two areas of emphasis- International Relations and Comparatives Politics. Students in these disciplines are required to complete a total of 124- credit hours for Major, and 18- credit hours for Minor students.
A 4- year program leading to the Bachelor Arts Degree in Anthropology and Sociology. However, from 1959, to 1970; students graduating with concentration either in Anthropology or Sociology were offered Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology..
Established in 1974. Formally Department of Social Science. A non-degree offering Department offers three key courses: Introduction to Social Science (Sosc 102), Introduction to Liberian Society (Sosc201), and Introduction to University of Liberia Student Life (ULSL 101) respectively.
The original Department of Philosophy and Religion was established in the 1960s and did offer minor courses before the civil crisis in Liberia.
The department of Social Science continues to play a pivotal role especially for second year students majoring or minoring in Sociology, Geography, History, Anthropology etc. in Liberia College.
Provides students a wide range of opportunity to observe demonstration in Language speaking and participation in lesson drills. It involves theoretical and practical components.
Established in 1862, the department offers a sport model program. Exercises taught through sport activities such as Soccer, Basketball and Volleyball. It helps students stay mentally and physically strong through well-planned sporting exercises
Formerly Demography Unit, it is set up with the goal of building the capacity of Liberians in demographic training and research for socio-economic development and planning purposes. Conducts basic and applied research in the fields of population studies that are germane to the national socio-economic needs of Liberia.
Offers a bachelor’s degree in Chinese language and culture in the “3+1” model (3 years of learning at the University of Liberia and one year of learning in China with full scholarship). “Learn Chinese, Double Your World”. The graduates with a BA degree will have chances to further their studies in China with full scholarships or to get job opportunities in Chinese-funded enterprises in Liberia. For more information, please contact Samuel K. Deyekeh at 0886200059 or 0776200059/deyekehsk@ul.edu.lr.”